Fall Lineup

We have a great line up coming up for August and September. Stay tune as these events come live but here are little teasers to get you excited!

8/23 Debbie Millman

“On Rejections”
On Rejection, or how the worst moments of your life can turn out to be the best (and vice versa), is a funny and heartbreaking tale of making it (or not) in New York. Debbie Millman is President of the design division at Sterling Brands.

Registration now live

9/5 Randy Hunt

“Nothing is Precious: Designing Web Products”
Randy Hunt, Creative Director at Etsy, will take a look at the principles used to inform design decisions at Etsy and the sometimes surprising outcomes they generate. These principles are applicable not only to web product design but any design process where you want to learn from your audience and embrace change.

Registration coming soon

9/25 Aaron Draplin

“Tales from a Tall Man”
Using scientific proof and state-of-the-art multimedia techniques, Aaron James Draplin of theDraplin Design Co. delivers a suckerpunch of a talk that aims to provide bonafide proof of work, the highs and lows of a ferociously independent existence and a couple tall tales from his so-called career in the cutthroat world of contemporary graphic design. Just a regular American guy with a trajectory a little dirtier than yours, his talk is open to all oncomers brave enough to show up. If you are a youngster, you may find yourself inspired to attack your design future in a different way. If you are established, you may just leave feeling grateful you don’t have anything to do with him. Hard to say. Be there!

Registration coming soon

By admin
Published July 27, 2013
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